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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


A bird perches on the hand of a woman standing in the midst of her garden. Bright sunflowers bloom all around her. Grape vines are heavy with fruit. In the distance is a large, elegant house. The bird represents spirit, which the woman values most of all, in spite of her great material gain. She has accomplished much because she has listened to her spirit and followed her heart.

This card represents the achievement of good things. Not only have you prospered, but you've done so in a way that you feel good about. You appreciate and cultivate the best of everything life has to offer, physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. This card can also indicate the enjoyment of simple but decadent physical pleasures and treats.

If reversed, this card still indicates achievement, but it may not be as fulfilling. Either the means to the end was not satisfying, or you find yourself alone and lonely, with no one to share your material gains.

Use your intuition

  • Why are grapes and sunflowers used to represent her achievements?
  • The woman's hair is extraordinary long. What does this symbolize?

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